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Remote Courses in Chinese 中国普通话远程课程

The Complete Accreditation Course
心理治疗师认证课程 | 中国普通话讲解 | 含CTAA国际认证 | 含CTAA会员资格 | 立刻获得执业资格并可立刻执业 | 零基础要求 | 远程授课
Accreditation Course to become an Accredited Therapist:
- CTAA Accredtiation included.
- CTAA membership included.
- Qualified as a Therapist to practise right away.
- Can practise internationally.
- Work from home and remote working friendly.
- No prior knowledge or qualification required.
- Taught in Mandarin Chinese.
- Remote training.
Or you can buy individual courses:
1. StraTECHieve
(1) StraTECHieve introduction (in Mandarin Chinese)
(1)StraTECHieve介绍 (中国普通话讲解)
This is a free course. You can watch below:

Play Video
(2) StraTECHieve main body (in Mandarin Chinese)
2. Neuro-linguistic Programming (in Mandarin Chinese)
(2)神经语言编程 (中国普通话讲解)
This is a paid course. Click to view details and purchase at the Shop page:
3. Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (in Mandarin Chinese)
This is a paid course. Click to view details and purchase at the Shop page:
See all courses:

一对一培训和辅导,请联系Elizabeth Nicholls女士
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