You can always call our 24/7 customer service 0800-138-3685 to make enquiries on our products or services. We have also listed most frequently asked questions (FAQs) below:

Customised Product
and Service
Customised services can be provided according to your preference and personal situation. Please contact us to discuss it before you make payment.

Service to China
and Payment from China
Yes. We have been providing service from UK to China for a long time, there had been payment challenges since the Pandemic, however, we can still receive payment from China.
This is valid for
1. mental health advices
2. purchase of courses
3. one on one private training and mentoring

Translation and Interpretation
It is possible to arrange translation or interpretation for all our services, if you prefer not to use our language: English. Please contact us to make the appointment. There may or may not be additional charge, depending on the language and our resources.