Bullying is not reserved to children or adults. It is in workplace too. Remember? We talked about Office Politics in another post ("Office Politics is a Key Skill Schools Failed to Teach Us"). Because there is office politics in every workplace, school, university and organisation, and you cannot avoid it, bullying is an approach for some members abusing their power in one way or another, to gain or maintain their power or status.
Bullying is not illegal in the UK, as well as in many other jurisdictions. There are anti-bully policies usually made by Human Resource Department or Culture Department in an organisation; and if bullying involves discrimination or harassment, there are legal challenges you may be able to file with Tribunal or Courts.
However, if you do trust anti-bullying policies can help to tackle bullying, or law enforcement can finally crack it, you will only be frustrated. We won't say too much here, as our blog is for short posts only, but, remember please, Human Resource Department serves the Boss and the Company, not employees, even though they say so (which is untrue); and, law sometimes protects people who are able to throw more money into the case and who can tolerate the conflicts physically, mentally and financially for a longer time, and that many times will be the employer or the bully, not the employee or victim; therefore, you must learn how to cope with this universal and common phenomenon in any organisation, even if the organisation claims they do not have bullying there, or they tell you they have anti-bully policy, or your lawyer is willing to take them to court. The ultimate solution should be educating yourself about it, because as we said, your organisation and your lawyer in fact cannot help you better than your self-help, your knowledge on it, and your precaution measures to prevent it happen onto you.
Overcome is expert in dealing with mental health problems related to bullying and office politics, some of our founders and directors are solicitors and lawyers who have won major private bank in London representing clients who were bullied and discriminated against in the bank. Our advisors are well trained to help you with bullying, discrimination and office politics, and can guide you away from pitfalls in complicated and sophisticated work/school environment. Reach out to us by leaning a comment below or use our contact forms.
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Overcome provides CTAA accredited remote and tailored advice on solving mental health related problems in a few efficient and effective sessions with unbeatable strategies to give you an unfair advantage in life that can benefit you for all your life with 98% success rate. (Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Mental Health, Therapy)